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Business Law

Business Law IconThis module provides an understanding of illegal and unethical behaviors and the consequences of those actions in business scenarios. Students discover where laws come from, how they impact businesses, and the types of legal business entities.

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Phase 1: Explore


Unit: Identifying Ethical, Unethical and Illegal Behavior

In this activity, students will identify ethical, unethical, and illegal behavior in several scenarios. A class discussion can follow.

Phase 2: Learn & Practice


Unit 1: Business Ethics

In this unit, students will learn about: illegal and unethical behaviors and the consequences of those actions in business scenarios. 

  1. Choices and Consequences 
  2. Illegal and Unethical Actions 
  3. Business Ethics 
  4. Quiz

Unit 2: US Legal & Judicial

In this unit, students will learn about: where laws come from, how they are made, types of laws, and how the judicial or court system works. 

  1. Sources of Law 
  2. Courts 
  3. Quiz

Unit 3: Business Law

In this unit, students will learn about: contracts, business entities, property laws, agency and tort laws. 

  1. Contracts 
  2. Business Entities 
  3. Property, Agency & Tort Laws 
  4. Quiz

Phase 3: Reflect


Unit: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students will journal about personal unethical behavior, how laws can positively impact communities, and which type of business entity is most attractive to them. A class discussion can follow.

Phase 4: Reinforce


Unit: Law Making Process

In this activity, students will identify the law-making process at federal, state, and local levels and identify bills currently seeking to be passed at each level. A class discussion can follow.

Unit: Current Event

Students will review articles for information related to a topic in the module. Once an article is found, students complete a Current Event form.

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