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Funding Options for Your AES Subscription

Educators like you use a variety of funding sources to buy the AES CTE curriculum system.

On this page, you’ll discover the most common funding sources schools and districts use to purchase an AES subscription. 

You’ll also find tips on convincing your administrator to purchase or renew your access to HealthCenter21 or Business&ITCenter21.

Use the links below to jump to the section you're interested in learning more about:

ESSER Funds (CARES Act, CRRSA Act, and the American Rescue Plan Act)

In 2020 and 2021, Congress passed three bills, providing nearly $190 billion in funding for districts and schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund.

This funding was allocated in three rounds:

  • ESSER I: $13.5 billion, via the CARES Act passed 3/27/20 
  • ESSER II: $54.3 billion, via the CRRSA Act passed 12/27/20
  • ESSER III: $122.7 billion, via the American Rescue Plan Act passed 3/11/21

ESSER funds are allocated to State Educational Agencies (SEAs) based on the same proportion of funding each state receives under Title I. After receiving the funds, states must distribute at least 90% of the money to local education agencies based on their proportional share of Title I funds.

Related Resources:

Perkins V

Perkins V, officially The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, is one of the most common funding sources districts use to purchase AES.

Every year under Perkins, over $1.2 billion is distributed for career and technical education programs across the country. Each state receives a portion of this funding, which is then distributed to districts to help fund their CTE programs.

Related Resources:

Title I (ESSA)

The Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA) is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that provides opportunities for every student to prepare for college and careers.

Title I provides supplemental funding to schools with high percentages of children from low-income households to ensure all children meet state academic standards.

This funding is allocated to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) according to formulas based on census poverty estimates and the cost of education in the state. The LEA then distributes the Title I funds to schools with the highest percentage of low-income families.

Related Resources:

State Funds and Grants

Each state provides funding that schools and districts can use to purchase an AES subscription. Choose your state below to discover what funding may be available to you:

Local Funds

Many educators use local or existing funds to purchase their AES subscription. These can include:

  • School or district budgets
  • Technology funds
  • Parent organizations or PTA funds
  • Classroom fees for students (Commonly used at CTCs)

Alternative Funding Options

If you’re unable to obtain funding from any of the sources listed above, the following items can act as short-term funding solutions:

Keep in mind that if you purchase an AES subscription using a short-term funding source, you’ll need to work with your school to have your renewal included in the budget next school year.

Work With Your Administration to Purchase Your Curriculum System!

Many teachers feel unsure about talking to their administrators about purchasing instructional materials. We're here to help you feel confident in your decision to partner with AES and guide you on what to do next.

Click below for recommendations to help you confidently work with your administrator to purchase or renew AES:

Read Your AES Buyer's Guide Read Your AES Renewal Guide