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Project Ideas for Google Docs, Slides & Sheets

September 22nd, 2020 | 4 min. read

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Teaching Microsoft® Office on a Chromebook or other learning devices can be challenging when students are unfamiliar with Microsoft or do not have access to the programs. However, students can still learn the skills outlined in iCEV’s Microsoft® Office lessons with the programs available to them, such as Google Docs, Slides or Sheets.

Many teachers are tasked with preparing students to earn certifications, including the Microsoft® Office certification, but are unsure how to prepare their students for the exam when their students do not have access to the versions of the program needed. Below are a few suggestions utilizing the iCEV curriculum teachers already have to help students learn Microsoft and Google application skills.

Application Overview

Are you or your students not as familiar with the Google applications as you would like? Divide students into groups and assign each group a different Google application. For their given application, have students develop a lesson which they will present to the class examining the layout of the application and common uses. Students should view the first unit of iCEV’s Microsoft® Word Basics, Microsoft® PowerPoint® Basics and Microsoft® Excel Basics lessons to identify key concepts to share with their peers. These units can give students ideas about what to include and provide project ideas to include in the lesson. This project would also be great to encourage students to use the collaboration capabilities of Google applications.


Translating Microsoft® to Google

Have students view iCEV’s Microsoft® Word, PowerPoint® and Excel curriculum to learn how to complete computer skills in Microsoft® Office and gain basic knowledge of tasks completed in these types of programs. After viewing a unit in the curriculum, students should create a one-page “translation” of how the skills learned in Microsoft® can be completed in a similar Google application. The translations should include directions and screenshots to demonstrate how to complete the skill. An extension for this project would be to have students utilize Screencastify to record a short video explaining the process of completing the skill.


Reconstruct iCEV’s Microsoft® Office Projects

Many projects within iCEV’s Microsoft® Office curriculum utilize Student Files. Have students download the Student Files and the instructions for the project, which accompanies the Student File. Students should open the Project Sheet in Google Docs and then make edits to the project and the Student File to make the project better fit a Google application. Students can turn in their new set of instructions and the updated Student File to reflect their new project.


Workplace & Life Skills Practice

• View iCEV’s Business Letters & Memos lesson and have students draft a business letter and         memo using Google Docs.

• Utilize iCEV’s Developing a Personal Budget lesson and have students create a budget for     themselves for the month using Google Sheets.

• Show the Presentation Strategies & Tactics lesson and have students pick a topic that interests   them to present using the skills mentioned in the lesson. For the presentation, students should     develop a set of slides using Google Slides.


General Project Ideas for Google Docs, Sheets & Slides


Project Telephone

Put students in a group or team to complete the project. Each student should be tasked with completing a different piece or phase of the project, such as writing the copy, choosing pictures to support the text or presenting the project to the class. While students are completing their portion of the project, they should be using the same file and collaborating by working simultaneously and providing collaborative feedback. This project allows students to choose which part of a project fits their skillset and emphasizes the Google applications' collaboration features. Using this idea can also help scaffold the project to break it up into manageable pieces for students.


Conducting Research & Analyzing Data

For this project, students can develop a survey using Google Forms about a topic that interests them, such as the favorite flavor of ice cream in their class. After creating the form and sending it out to the class to collect the data, students can analyze the data in Google Sheets by formatting the data in a spreadsheet and creating charts and graphs to display their findings. As an extension, students could send their form surveys to other classes to make comparisons and draw conclusions.


All Application Challenge

Students can learn how all of the Google applications can work together by using each to complete a portion of a project. For instance, have students develop a detailed plan for a $10,000 dream vacation using all the applications. An example of how students can use each application for this project is listed below. 

• Google Docs: Write an outline detailing their dream vacation

• Google Sheets: Develop a budget based on the outline, under $10,000, showing how the money will be spent

• Google Slides: Create a presentation explaining the activities and locations visited each day of the vacation