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Health Information Technology

16 HITThis module provides an introduction to information technology and its effect on the healthcare industry as they learn terminology, gain exposure to an EHR system, and understand the importance of following HIPAA guidelines.

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Phase 1: Explore


Activity: HIT Terminology

In this activity, students define terms related to Health Information Technology. 

Phase 2: Learn & Practice


Unit 1: Health Information Technology Overview

In this unit, students will learn about: Health Information Technology (HIT) and how it affects both healthcare providers and clients. 

  1. Introduction to Health Information Technology 
  2. Health Information Technology and Healthcare Providers 
  3. Health Information Technology and Clients 
  4. Quiz


Unit 2: Electronic Health Records

In this unit, students will learn about: electronic health records, view an EHR system, and use a simulated EHR system to check-in a client and make appointments for existing and new clients. 

  1. Introduction to Electronic Health Records 
  2. Electronic Health Record System Tour, Part 1 
  3. Electronic Health Record System Tour, Part 2 
  4. Electronic Health Record Documentation, Part 1 
  5. Electronic Health Record Documentation, Part 2 
  6. Quiz


Unit 3: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

In this unit, students will learn about: HIPAA guidelines related to HIT, consequences of violations, and evaluate scenarios for violations, whether it should be reported, and the level of fault. 

  1. Introduction to HIPAA & HIT 
  2. HIPAA Violations, Part 1 
  3. HIPAA Violations, Part 2 
  4. Quiz

Phase 3: Reflect


Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students will journal about how HIT has affected health care, patients, and health care employees. They will also journal about the importance of HIPAA.

Phase 4: Reinforce


Project: Current Event

Students will review articles for information related to a topic in the module. Once an article is found, students complete a Current Event form.

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