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How a Health Science Teacher Supplements His Lessons for Success

"As a teacher, I like that [HealthCenter21] gives the students the responsibility of learning the information so they can pass the test."

Sean Plake is a Principles of Health Science instructor at Stratford High School in Texas.

In a brief interview with an AES team member, Sean shared how his class works and how he uses HealthCenter21 in his classroom.


Question: What courses do you teach?

Sean: I teach two sections of Principles of Health Science for first year students and one section of Health Science for second year students.


Question: What age group do you teach? How would you describe your students?

Sean: My students range from sophomores to seniors. They are from different cultural backgrounds and different socio-economic backgrounds. The group is mostly female at a ration of about 2:1.


Question: What is a typical day like in your classroom? What tools do you use and how do you use them?

Sean: A typical day starts with 5-10 medical abbreviations while I am taking attendance. Afterwards, we review the last lesson before starting any new material. Typically, I use HealthCenter21 in addition to my own lesson. The HealthCenter21 lessons help students learn the information.


Question: What is the biggest challenge in your classroom?

Sean: The biggest challenge that I have had over the past 11 years is being able to get the students who are absent caught up with the assignments. As teachers, we tell the students it's their responsibility to find out what they missed and when they can make it up.

But there are those students who are not very responsible that need that push to get back on track. Finding the time during my day can be tough, but I cannot do all of the legwork.

My classes are not taught by another teacher, so the student cannot get help from another teacher for the lesson they missed.

Therefore, the student must show the initiative to come before or after school to make up their work.


Question: What has been your greatest success as a teacher?

Sean: My greatest success in the classroom over the years has been watching the students become successful after high school and achieving their dreams that were just notes on a piece of paper during their sophomore and junior years.

I have had students become teachers, soldiers in the military, and athletic trainers (my passion and the other half of my school responsibilities).

Also, having that student come by and just say "hi" or "thank you" is the biggest achievement as a teacher.


Question: Has HealthCenter21 changed how you do anything in your classroom?

Sean: Yes, I have used HealthCenter21 as a supplement to my lessons. I also use the quiz and test grades to measure the success rates of the students' knowledge.


Question: What do you like best about HealthCenter21?

Sean: As a teacher, I like that it gives the students the responsibility of learning the information so they can pass the test.


Question: What do your students like best about HealthCenter21?

Sean: The students have conveyed to me that they enjoy the ability to cover the content at their own pace. They also feel they are not rushed through the lessons.


Question: Before HealthCenter21, how did you teach the topics you now cover with it?

Sean: I covered the class content using textbooks, information I have obtained over the years, and any current information I can find available.

As Sean described, using a digital curriculum like HealthCenter21 can help create a well-balanced blended learning environment.

Additionally, the immediate and on-going feedback provided helps teachers and students determine how they are doing with learning the information.

To learn more about HealthCenter21 and how it could work in your classroom, check out our programs page!

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