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Human Growth & Development

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About the Course

The Human Growth & Development course analyzes human development across the lifespan. Within the course, milestones for physical, emotional, social and cognitive development are identified and methods for optimizing development are explained.  

Careers in Human Growth & Development

Each lesson includes media-rich presentations, a pre-made lesson plan, assessments and engaging real-world projects and activities. To get an idea of what iCEV offers, explore the sample lesson and resources below.

Lesson Resources:

Lessons Available in This Course

  • Employability Skills in Human Growth & Development Careers
  • Human Development: Fetal
  • Human Development: Preschooler
  • Care & Protection of Children
  • Human Development: Late Adulthood
  • Human Developmental Theories
  • Human Development: Infant
  • Human Development: Early to Middle Childhood
  • Human Development: Early Adulthood
  • Careers in Human Growth & Development
  • Prenatal Care
  • Human Development: Toddler
  • Human Development: Adolescents
  • Human Development: Middle Adulthood

Family & Consumer Sciences Course Resource

Human Growth & Development: Reviews & Comparisons

As a family and consumer sciences teacher, you know that understanding human growth and development offers personal, academic and career value to students regardless of what industry they pursue. After all, knowledge of this vital topic helps students gain an understanding of their own lives, those around them and the world they live in. 


Ready to Get Started?

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