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IC3 Certification | Digital Literacy

What Is the IC3 GS6 Certification?

June 17th, 2021 | 8 min. read

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Are you planning to implement the IC3 Digital Literacy certifications in your program for the upcoming school year? 

Did you know the IC3 Digital Literacy program has been restructured with the release of the IC3 GS6 version?

Unlike the previous version, the IC3 GS6 exams are organized according to the level of knowledge needed to earn the certificate.

With this new structure, you need to evaluate the exams to determine which level is appropriate for your students and how the IC3 Digital Literacy program will fit into your courses.

In this article, you’ll learn about the new IC3 GS6 standards and the detailed objectives found on each IC3 GS6 exam.

Table of Contents

Jump to the aspect of the IC3 GS6 certification you want to learn more about:

By understanding this information, you’ll be able to decide whether the IC3 GS6 digital literacy program is a good choice for your classes.

An Overview of the IC3 Digital Literacy Certification Program

The IC3 GS6 Digital Literacy Certification program helps learners navigate and thrive in our digital world by measuring student knowledge on hardware, software, content creation, and digital safety.

This knowledge is measured across seven domains:

  1. Technology Basics
  2. Digital Citizenship
  3. Information Management
  4. Content Creation
  5. Communication
  6. Collaboration
  7. Safety and Security

Each domain includes a varying number of objectives across the three exams to validate understanding at the basic (Level 1), intermediate (Level 2), and advanced (Level 3) levels.

When a student passes each exam, they earn the IC3 GS6 certificate for that level. If a student successfully passes all three certification exams, they earn a master certificate and badge to display.

In the sections below, you'll discover each IC3 GS6 exam’s details to see the difference in what students need to know to help you determine which options are best for your students.


The IC3 GS6 Level 1 Exam

The IC3 GS6 Level 1 exam focuses on the foundational knowledge and concepts of digital literacy. Students have 50 minutes to complete 45 questions related to the Level 1 objectives across the seven domains.

Here’s what your students need to know for the IC3 GS6 Level 1 exam:

1. Technology Basics

  • 1.1 Access and navigate between digital environments
  • 1.2 Identify digital devices and connections
  • 1.3 Explain fundamental software concepts
  • 1.4 Explain fundamental hardware concepts
  • 1.5 Explain fundamental operating system concepts
  • 1.6 Explain fundamental networking concepts

2. Digital Citizenship

  • 2.1 Create and manage a digital identity
  • 2.2 Cultivate, manage, and protect your digital reputation
  • 2.3 Respond to inappropriate digital behavior and content

3. Information Management

  • 3.1 Use and refine criteria for online searches
  • 3.2 Understand methods for searching within digital content
  • 3.3 Understand copyright and licensing restrictions for digital content

4. Content Creation

  • 4.1 Create basic documents and presentations
  • 4.2Understand accepted referencing and attribution practices
  • 4.3 Save and back up work
  • 4.4 Understand fundamental printing concepts

5. Communication

  • 5.1 Express yourself through digital means
  • 5.2 Interact with others in a digital environment

6. Collaboration

  • 6. 1 Identify digital collaboration concepts
  • 6.2 Identify digital etiquette standards for collaborative processes

7. Safety and Security

  • 7.1 Describe digital security threats
  • 7.2 Protect devices and digital content
  • 7.3 Be aware of data-collection technology
  • 7.4 Identify health risks associated with the use of digital technologies

Overall, the IC3 GS6 Level 1 exam is a good fit for students who are new to digital literacy and citizenship concepts.


The IC3 GS6 Level 2 Exam

The IC3 GS6 Level 2 exam certifies a student’s working knowledge of each of the seven domains by testing their ability to complete basic tasks online and within varying applications. 

Students have 50 minutes to complete 45 questions related to the Level 2 objectives:

1. Technology Basics

  • 1.1 Customize digital environments
  • 1.2 Use a personal digital calendar
  • 1.3 Define higher-level technology concepts
  • 1.4 Identify and explain common hardware adjustments
  • 1.5 Explain core printer concepts
  • 1.6 Identify digital devices and connections

2. Digital Citizenship

  • 2.1 Create and manage multiple digital identities
  • 2.2 Apply digital etiquette standards
  • 2.3 Seek opportunities to increase your digital competence

3. Information Management

  • 3.1 Determine digital information needs and requirements
  • 3.2 Determine the veracity of an individual search result or digital artifact
  • 3.3 Manage online data collection, storage, and retrieval

4. Content Creation

  • 4.1 Create and edit digital content
  • 4.2 Manage digital information and files
  • 4.3 Responsibly repurpose digital resources
  • 4.4 Publish or present content for a specific audience

5. Communication

  • 5.1 Interact with others in a digital environment
  • 5.2 Understand Internet commerce basics

6. Collaboration

7. Safety and Security

  • 7.1 Avoid health risks and physical harm while using digital technologies
  • 7.2 Avoid mental health threats while using digital technologies
  • 7.3 Understand device security
  • 7.4 Understand file security

The IC3 GS6 Level 2 exam is a good fit for students who have had hands-on experience working with technology as it requires candidates to complete specific tasks.


The IC3 GS6 Level 3 Exam

The IC3 GS6 Level 3 exam requires students to show mastery of digital literacy skills and concepts by managing systems, collaboration, and troubleshooting while guiding others. 

Students have 50 minutes to complete 40 questions related to the Level 3 objectives.

1. Technology Basics

  • 1.1 Evaluate software and hardware devices
  • 1.2 Identify, troubleshoot, and resolve technical problems with assistance
  • 1.3 Understand selected software concepts

2. Digital Citizenship

  • 2.1 Understand how to protect others’ personally identifiable information
  • 2.2 Explain best practices for digital citizenship

3. Information Management

  • 3.1 Construct an effective information search
  • 3.2 Evaluate digital information sources and multiple search results

4. Content Creation

  • 4.1 Create, edit, and publish or present original digital media content
  • 4.2 Represent data visually
  • 4.3 Manage digital information and files
  • 4.4 Be aware of challenges and solutions for accessibility
  • 4.5 Apply intellectual property standards
  • 4.6 Plan and manage a cyclical design process for digital projects

5. Communication

  • 5.1 Manage interpersonal digital communications
  • 5.2 Communicate with others to identify and understand issues

6. Collaboration

  • 6.1 Collaborate with others to resolve issues
  • 6.2 Contribute constructively to project teams

7. Safety and Security

  • 7.1 Manage device security
  • 7.2 Be aware of the physical and environmental impact of digital tools and technologies

Overall, the IC3 GS6 Level 3 exam is a good option for students who are comfortable with and understand advanced digital literacy topics and skills.

How to Prepare Students for the IC3 GS6 Certification

Now that you know what to expect from the IC3 GS6 certification program, you’re likely wondering the best way to prepare your students for certification success.

Many teachers purchase the GMetrix test prep materials, the official recommendation by Certiport for certification prep.

The GMetrix practice tests are a perfect way to measure how much your students have learned. However, they don’t help you teach your daily classes.

That’s why we recommend teachers follow a two-step approach when preparing students for the IC3 Digital Literacy certifications. 

Start by using a curriculum focused on digital literacy concepts and skills, then implement test prep to get students ready for test day!

Many teachers build their curriculum and plan their course syllabus according to precisely what’s on the tests.

Teaching to the test helps you hit every exam and domain objective in your daily classes. However, building a curriculum from scratch isn’t feasible for everyone.

That’s why thousands of teachers have implemented the Business&ITCenter21 digital curriculum in their computer applications and career readiness classes.

"Business&ITCenter21 is a great program that allows you to teach and model the skills you are covering, then immediately let the students jump in and follow the lessons and activities to further develop their skills."

Reginald Patterson, Middle School Teacher

Polk County Public Schools, FL

With more than 675 hours of curriculum content, Business&ITCenter21 can make your life easier and set your students up for success both on the IC3 exams and in their careers.

Many of the curriculum modules were developed to meet IC3 objectives, such as the Living Online - Social Communication module.

Wondering if Business&ITCenter21 is a good fit for you and your students?

Dive into the complete list of curriculum modules to discover if it’s a good fit for your classes:

Explore the Business&ITCenter21 Catalog