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Infection Control

4 Infection ControlThis module provides an overview of the importance of protecting oneself and others from disease-causing microorganisms, as students learn about microorganisms, asepsis, hand washing, basic equipment cleaning, autoclaving, personal protective equipment, sterile technique, and transmission-based precautions. Students practice donning and removing protective garments and working in an isolation unit.

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Phase 1: Explore


Activity: Handwashing

In this activity, student will investigate how improperly cleaning your hands can leave many germs on their skin.

Phase 2: Learn & Practice


Unit 1: Introduction to Infection Control

In this unit, students will learn about: disease and prevention as they define classes of microorganisms and the infectious diseases, learn the chain of infection and methods for disease prevention in a health care setting and practice procedures for cleansing hands and medical equipment. 

  1. Microorganisms 
  2. Infections 
  3. Asepsis 
  4. Hand Cleansing 
  5. Cleaning Equipment 
  6. Quiz

Unit 2: Standard Precautions

In this unit, students will learn about: standard precautions used to prevent disease in a health care setting as they practice procedures for donning and removing gowns, masks, eyewear, and non-sterile gloves. 

  1. Standard Precautions 
  2. Gowns 
  3. Masks and Eyewear 
  4. Non-Sterile Gloves 
  5. Quiz

Unit 3: Transmission-Based Precautions

In this unit, students will learn about: communicable diseases and transmission-based precautions as they practice procedures for donning and removing transmission-based garments and transferring linens and trash from an isolation unit. 

  1. Transmission-Based Precautions 
  2. Transmission-Based Garments 
  3. Isolation Units 
  4. Quiz

Unit 4: Sterile Technique

In this unit, students will learn about: sterile fields and handling sterile packages. They learn the procedure for donning and removing sterile gloves. 

  1. Sterile Field 
  2. Sterile Gloves 
  3. Autoclave 
  4. Quiz

Phase 3: Reflect


Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students will journal about: the chain of infection; the differences between clean, disinfect, and sterile; why it is important for health care workers to frequently clean their hands. A class discussion can follow.

Phase 4: Reinforce


Activity: Handwashing

In this activity, student demonstrate how to properly wash their hands to eliminate microorganisms.


Activity: Observing Microorganism Growth

In this activity, students collect microorganisms from common objects and observe their growth over several days using petri dishes.


Activity: Chain of Infection Poster

In this activity, students create a poster depicting strategies for breaking the chain of infection based on their research of sanitation and disinfection.

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