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Job Seeking Skills

Job Seeking IconIn the job seeking skills curriculum module, students explore the process of finding a job, including preparing resumes, cover letters, portfolios, and other materials necessary to apply for a job. Students consider the importance of identifying job criteria as part of their search. They learn to perform an efficient job search and how to prepare and practice interviewing. Students learn about documents needed when they accept and start a new job and what to do when leaving a job.

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Phase 1: Explore


Activity: Are You Job Ready?

This activity is a fun self-assessment asking students questions related to job-readiness. The activity includes reflection questions students can complete independently, in small groups, or as a whole class.

Phase 2: Learn & Practice


Unit 1: Get Ready to Find a Job

This unit discusses the benefits of jobs for the individual and the community. Students explore the general process of finding a job. Unit 1 focuses on the first step in the job-seeking process: preparing materials and information. As part of this step, students explore resumes, a professional online presence, portfolios, references, and other documents used in the job application process. Reinforce Activities associated with this unit: "Create a Resume" and "Design an Online Presence".


  1. Introduction
  2. Creating a Resume
  3. Building a Professional Online Presence
  4. References, Portfolios, and Other Documents
  5. Quiz

Unit 2: Search and Apply for Jobs

Students learn how to perform an efficient and effective job search in this unit. Students learn about job criteria and ways to organize their job search. They list their job criteria and then look for openings that align with their job criteria and talents. Students also learn how to create cover letters. Reinforce Activity associated with this unit: "Compose a Cover Letter"


  1. Job Criteria and Organization
  2. Searching for Job Openings
  3. Cover Letters and Introduction
  4. Quiz


Unit 3: Interviews

In this unit, students focus on preparing for interviews. They are introduced to different interview types and what to expect in the interview process. Common interview questions are discussed, along with strategies for answering them. Interview best practices are explained as well as follow-up tasks.Reinforce Activity associated with this unit: "Mock Interview"


  1. Interview Preparation
  2. The Interview
  3. After the Interview
  4. Quiz


Unit 4: Accept, Start, and Resign

Students consider the criteria for accepting a job offer in this unit. Professional behaviors for starting and leaving a job are examined as well as resignation letters. Students are introduced to work-related legal forms.



  1. Accept, Start, and Resign
  2. Quiz

Phase 3: Reflect


Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

This activity provides an opportunity for students to engage in critical thinking and discussion. The questions can be answered individually, in small groups, or as a whole class. The questions are arranged by unit to give teachers flexibility to use the questions as they complete units or at the end of the module.

Phase 4: Reinforce


Activity: Create a Resume

In this activity, students create a resume from a template. Use this activity to reinforce learning in Unit 1.


Activity: Design an Online Presence

In this activity, students create a professional online presence using a template.


Activity: Compose a Cover Letter

In this activity, students create a cover letter for a job opening they found during Unit 2. They can also use a new job search. The cover letter is based on a template.


Activity: Mock Interview

In this activity, students hold mock interviews. One student is the candidate and answers questions from another student, the interviewer. A third student observes and evaluates the interview process. After the interview process, the students reflect on their experiences as a group and class.

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