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What Is a Digital Curriculum System and How Does It Help Teachers and Students?

A digital curriculum system is online teaching software that empowers teachers by saving them time with planning and grading so they can spend more time with their students.

Most providers offer a digital curriculum with a learning management system (LMS), interactive lessons, pre-made lesson plans, printable worksheets, ready-made presentations, automatic assessments, and more.

For these reasons, digital curriculum has become exceptionally popular in Career and Technical Education (CTE), middle schools, and elective courses.

At Applied Educational Systems, we provide a digital curriculum system for middle school and high school teachers who teach health science, business education, computer applications, and career readiness.

In this article, you'll learn what a digital curriculum system is, how it can help teachers and students, and who our system is a good fit for.

Video: What Is the AES Digital Curriculum System and How Can It Help You and Your Students?

When teachers first learn about AES as a possible solution for their classroom, they often ask questions like "Is this just a collection of lesson plans?" and "How can I use AES in my classroom?"

The AES digital curriculum system is a web-based platform allowing anywhere, anytime access for students and teachers.

This system is made of three main parts:

  • Curriculum
  • Delivery
  • Management

The AES Curriculum

The AES curriculum is designed and developed to improve your students' long-term retention of information by utilizing our learning plan called the Four Phases.

The four phases of the AES curriculum are:aes-course-framework-four-phase-curriculum

  1. Explore
  2. Learn & Practice
  3. Reflect
  4. Reinforce

This four-phase learning plan is designed to maximize student understanding while also saving you time with planning.

The curriculum is taught with a combination of lectures, hands-on activities, and computer-based learning.

The Explore phase is made up of teacher-led activities designed to hook your students’ interest.

It’s designed to get your students thinking and prime them for learning new concepts and skills.

The resources found in the Explore phase include role-play scripts, equipment demonstrations, and activities to introduce topics and initiate classroom discussion.

The Learn & Practice phase has teacher resources and student-directed eLearning lessons to help students learn new concepts and skills.

This phase is the heart of the AES curriculum. It’s where most of the standards are covered and the bulk of the learning takes place.

The Reflect phase includes teacher-led activities designed to review and discuss key ideas from the module lessons.

This review helps students connect the new concepts they’ve learned to their existing knowledge and experience. These connections help form long-lasting memories and better information retention.

The Reinforce phase is made of student-directed projects that enhance understanding of concepts and skills.

During this phase, students work individually or in groups to complete projects that require application of the module’s concepts. 

In addition to the four-phase curriculum, teachers have access to a variety of formative and summative assessments to measure the progress of their students throughout the course.

Overall, the Four Phases are our way of presenting learning content in a structure any teacher can follow in order to help students retain key information for the long term.

The AES Curriculum Delivery

The AES digital curriculum system is a blended learning resource designed to be used by both teachers and students.

This delivery method allows teachers to create dynamic, blended learning experiences that hold the attention of your students while improving their understanding.

The delivery of curriculum to your students includes eLearning lessons, multimedia presentations, simulations, workplace scenario videos, in-line questions, hands on projects, and more.

On the teacher's side, you'll find detailed lesson plans, course guides, PowerPoints with speaker notes, and additional materials.

These materials are designed to help you save time with planning so you can spend more time doing what matters - making personal connections with students.

The AES Management System

The AES management system is the teacher interface that contains the assignments, gradebook, and other features to save you time in lesson planning, grading, and managing your courses.

It's designed to do the heavy lifting by providing you the information you need to help ensure your students are on track.

Overall, the curriculum, delivery, and management work in harmony to enable teachers like you to save time and make more of a personal connection with students.

Now that you know what the AES digital curriculum system is, let's dive into the four curriculum areas AES is a good fit for.

1. CTE Health Science


As a health science teacher, you likely spend hours every week planning lessons, assessing student progress, and differentiating your instruction. With HealthCenter21, teachers like you regularly save 5-10 hour per week.

CTE health science teachers use the AES health science curriculum to prepare their students for healthcare certifications and their future careers.

HealthCenter21 includes more than 1,000 hours of learning content that teachers like you use to teach:

  • Healthcare foundations
  • Medical assisting
  • Nurse assisting
  • Patient care technician
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • And more

If you teach health science in a middle school, high school, or CTC the AES health science curriculum could be a great fit for you.

Wondering if HealthCenter21 is right for you and your students? Click below to learn more:

Learn More About HealthCenter21 >

2. Business Education 

Business education teachers have very little extra time to prep for classes, let alone find ways to connect with students who need additional assistance or motivation.

Our business education curriculum is designed to help teachers like you save time so you can make it home for dinner without worrying about your lesson plans for next week.

With more than 675 hours of curriculum, business education teachers use our curriculum to teach a wide variety of introductory business topics, including:

  • Professionalism
  • Customer service
  • Communication
  • Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • And more

If you teach introductory business courses to early high school students, Business&ITCenter21 could be just what you're looking for.

Wondering if the AES business curriculum is right for you and your students? Click below to learn more:

Learn More About the Business Education Curriculum >

3. Career Readiness

Teaching career readiness classes isn't easy. You need to find a balance between keeping your students engaged and teaching crucial skills they'll need for their future careers. But many career readiness resources are often too young or too advanced for the teachers we work with.

We designed our career readiness curriculum with middle school and early high school students in mind. That means you don't have to worry about whether your curriculum is age-appropriate and you can get back to focusing on your students.

With more than 150 hours of curriculum, career readiness teachers use our curriculum to teach a variety of topics, including:

  • Career exploration
  • Professionalism
  • Digital citizenship
  • Critical thinking
  • Public speaking
  • And more

If you teach career skills in 6th-9th grade, the Business&ITCenter21 career readiness modules could be perfect for your needs.

Wondering if the AES career readiness curriculum is right for you and your students? Click below to learn more:

Learn More About the Career Readiness Curriculum >

4. Computer Applications Curriculum

There are hundreds of digital computer applications curriculum options out there, so how do you know if AES is right for you?

Computer teachers often have hundreds of students every semester. This leads to long nights spent planning lessons and reviewing student work.

On average, computer teachers tell us they save 4-6 hours per week by using the AES computer applications curriculum.

With more than 250 hours of computer applications curriculum, teachers use Business&ITCenter21 to teach courses on:

  • Digital Citizenship
  • Google Applications
  • Microsoft Office
  • MOS Certifications

If you teach computer classes in middle or early high school, Business&ITCenter21 could be a great addition to your classroom.

Wondering if the AES computer applications curriculum is right for you and your students? Click below to learn more:

Learn More About the Computer Applications Curriculum >

Learn More About Digital Curriculum

Looking for more information on whether digital curriculum is right for you and your students?

We have the comprehensive resource for all things digital curriculum! It's one PDF that you can quickly read to understand digital curriculum inside and out. 

Click the button below to get your copy of the ultimate guide to digital curriculum!

Read Your Ultimate Guide to Digital Curriculum