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Career and Technical Education (CTE) | Career Exploration | Industry Certifications

When and Where to Mention your Industry Certification

May 26th, 2021 | 5 min. read

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Industry certifications are developed by industry leaders and experts to represent the needs of today’s workforce. Showcasing real-world career expectations, industry certifications offer educational and technical experiences to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in their chosen field. Industry certifications distinguish individuals from their peers by showing their knowledge and skills developed through educational experiences. 

 Industry certifications increase earning potential, lead to more opportunities and provide job security to individuals. Whether you are a student, employee or an individual seeking to upskill, industry certifications can take your career to the next level.  

 Once you have earned an industry certification, it is important to highlight your certification in job applications, interviews and to future employers. In the midst of certification season, iCEV has developed new resources to help spread value of industry certification earners. In this article, we will discuss when and where to mention your industry certification and how to capitalize on your developed skills and achievement. Learn more about showcasing an industry certification by downloading our infographic to share with others.  Download the Infographic

Your Cover Letter  

When applying for a job, a cover letter can be used to showcase the knowledge and skills you acquired by becoming certified. Often the cover letter is an introduction to an applicant, which is the first chance to impress a prospective employer. By incorporating the knowledge and skills attained through a certification into their cover letter, an employer sees the applicant is not only ready to work but also has developed the skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in the workforce. 

Your Resume  

iCEV industry certifications are developed from industry standards to ensure learners develop the appropriate skills and knowledge necessary to be successful in their chosen industry. When applying for a job, an individual’s resume outlines applicable skills and experiences that relate to the job being applied for and is an ideal place to include your certification. 

Incorporate your certification into your resume by listing the most applicable skills the certification verifies, such as industry standards studied during the certification process. This will show prospective employers that you have the skill set and educational background to excel in the workforce.   

Job Interview  

As someone who has earned an industry certification, you are a proven asset to your chosen industry through academic and experiential development. During a job interview, mention your industry certification as it shows the applicant has studied both the academic and technical aspects of the job being applied for. During the interview, explain why your proven skillset is an asset to the organization and why the certification makes you valuable. 

Meetings with Supervisors  

By earning a certification, individuals are showing interest and commitment to their chosen field, which is heavily sought-after by companies and organizations today. When meeting with a supervisor or manager, share how your certification makes you an outstanding and effective employee. This will demonstrate the effort, intentionality and value you add to their organization through your work.    

Annual Reviews  

Obtaining an industry certification can set you apart from your peers. When seeking promotions or salary raises, highlight your certification to show how you are a more effective and impactful employee for their business. Your certification shows you are dedicated to making yourself more valuable to the organization or business you work for. 

Conversation with Co-workers  

Networking and connecting with colleagues and co-workers are professional development opportunities to grow as an employee. When talking with others, share the benefits of earning an industry certification and the role it plays in career success. Sharing your certification experience can help others to further their career and earn an industry certification.  

Leadership Positions  

Your industry certification sets you ahead of others in your industry. Earning an industry certification validates your knowledge and skills, influences career-readiness and jump starts careers.  As a certified individual, your certification serves as proof that you have the background knowledge and technical experience to serve in leadership roles to further develop your skillset as well as enhance the minds and skillsets of those working around you. 


 As an industry certification earner, individuals validate their knowledge, develop their current skills and enhance their resumes. Being certified shows intentionality and commitment to one’s work. Industry certifications can be used in education, the workforce or for individuals to accelerate their careers. As an industry certification earner, share your experience with your community or future employers to set you apart from your peers and ahead in your career. iCEV has developed resources for teachers, employers and individuals to use to share their industry certification.  


Visit our website to learn more about maximizing industry certifications.