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iCEV Tutorial

Adding a Certification Exam Proctor

As the teacher, you are automatically listed as the certification exam proctor. However, some states do not allow teachers to proctor a certification exam. If this is the case in your state, you can assign a proctor to the certification exam your students will take. Check your state and district guidelines to learn if your state allows teachers to proctor industry certification exams or if you will need to add a proctor to the certification exam settings. 


1. Select Certification

On My Courses page:

  • Click the View button for the certification you will be adding a proctor.


2. Manage Proctors 

Scroll to the bottom of the Lessons page:

  • Under the Proctors menu.
    • Click Manage Proctors


3. Invite Proctor

On the Manage Proctors page:

  • Under the Invite Proctor section
    • Type the required information for the proctor.
    • Click Invite.



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