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Anatomy and Physiology

This module provides an overview of the 12 body systems and how they work together, including structure, functions, diseases, disorders, homeostasis, and immunity.

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Update: HealthCenter21 now includes a year-long Anatomy and Physiology curriculum! Click to see the list of Anatomy and Physiology modules.

Phase 1: Explore


Activity: Explore

In this activity, students demonstrate the proper use and care of the lab equipment and explore the skeleton and human torso models if they are available.

Phase 2: Learn & Practice


Unit 1: Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

In this unit, students will learn about: body structure, processes, and terms related to anatomy, physiology, cell structure. They will also learn about homeostasis, the interdependence of body systems, abnormal cell conditions and types of immunity. 

  1. Anatomy and Physiology Defined 
  2. Anatomy and Physiology and the Health Care Worker 
  3. Everything Begins with Cells 
  4. Metabolism and Cell Reproduction 
  5. Basics of Body Structure 
  6. Basics of Diseases and Immunity 
  7. Quiz


Unit 2: Integumentary System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the integumentary system, as they name the layers of the skin and distinguish glands and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Integumentary System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 3: Skeletal System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the skeletal system as they classify and identify bones by shape and location and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Skeletal System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 4: Muscular System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the muscular system as they identify traits of muscles and types of body movements and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Muscular System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 5: Nervous System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the nervous system as they define types of nerve cells and parts of the brain and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Nervous System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 6: Sensory System

In this unit, students will learn about: the senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch as they discover the processes involved with each of these senses and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Intro to the Sensory System 
  2. Vision 
  3. Hearing 
  4. Smell, Taste, and General Senses 
  5. Sensory System Diseases and Disorders 
  6. Quiz


Unit 7: Cardiovascular System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the cardiovascular system including how the heart pumps blood and the components of blood and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Cardiovascular System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 8: Lymphatic System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the lymphatic system as they define terms, compare lymphatic and blood vessels and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Lymphatic System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 9: Respiratory System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the respiratory system including ventilation, respiration, oxygenation, and external and internal respiration. They will describe how the diaphragm and intercostal muscles aid in breathing and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Introduction 
  2. The Respiratory System 
  3. Diseases and Disorders 
  4. Quiz


Unit 10: Digestive System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the digestive system as they learn how the body breaks down and uses food and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Digestive System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 11: Urinary System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the urinary system as they learn how urine is formed and removed from the body and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Urinary System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 12: Endocrine System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and the parts of the endocrine system, as they identify the role of various hormones in glands throughout the body and explore common diseases and disorders. 

  1. Endocrine System 
  2. Diseases and Disorders 
  3. Quiz


Unit 13: Reproductive System

In this unit, students will learn about: the functions and parts of the human reproductive system, as they identify diseases and disorders that are associated with the systems of both males and females.

  1. Male System 
  2. Female System 
  3. Reproductive System Diseases and Disorders 
  4. Quiz

Phase 3: Reflect


Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students analyze the interdependence of body systems as they relate to wellness, disease, disorders, therapies, and care rehabilitation; and explain biological processes that maintain life.

Phase 4: Reinforce


Project: Informative Brochure

Students will research a disease or disorder and create a brochure about the disease or disorder. As an alternative, students can create an brochure on a body system, include information on how to maintain a healthy system.


Activity: Body Function Worksheet

Students will medical scenarios and identify the affected body system, structure, and function.


Activity: Current Event

Students will review articles for information related to a topic in the module. Once an article is found, students complete a Current Event form.

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