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eDynamic Learning vs. iCEV: Which is Best for Pathophysiology Curriculum?

October 4th, 2023 | 7 min. read

Brad Hummel

Brad Hummel

Coming from a family of educators, Brad knows both the joys and challenges of teaching well. Through his own teaching background, he’s experienced both firsthand. As a writer for iCEV, Brad’s goal is to help teachers empower their students by listening to educators’ concerns and creating content that answers their most pressing questions about career and technical education.

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If you’re teaching pathophysiology in your career and technical education (CTE) program, finding the right curriculum for your students is critical. Regardless of whether you’re starting a new program or need to find resources that meet the latest version of your standards, choosing the right curriculum will set learners up for future success.

Two pathophysiology curriculum providers you may have heard of are eDynamic Learning and iCEV. While both offer comprehensive pathophysiology courses, you may find that one or the other is a better fit for your program.

In this article, you'll discover the differences between eDynamic Learning and iCEV for a pathophysiology course. Specifically, we'll look at the following:

  1. What Courses Do eDynamic Learning and iCEV Offer for Pathophysiology?
  2. What Is the Instructional Focus of eDynamic Learning and iCEV?
  3. What Instructional Materials Are Included?
  4. Which Pathophysiology Course is Right for You?

After reading, you'll have a more complete picture of the differences between eDynamic Learning and iCEV so you can choose the best resource for your pathophysiology class.

What Courses Do eDynamic Learning and iCEV Offer for Pathophysiology?

Pathophysiology, the study of disease processes and their impact on humans, is an integral part of a comprehensive CTE health science curriculum.

Both eDynamic Learning and iCEV provide dedicated courses for students to learn about this vital aspect of health and human wellbeing. In this section, you’ll discover more about the courses each provider offers for pathophysiology.

What Are the eDynamic Learning Pathophysiology Courses?

For pathophysiology, eDynamic Learning divides its curriculum across two semester-long courses: Pathophysiology 1a: Introduction and Pathophysiology 1b: Beyond the Pathogen. Educators should consider offering students both courses in sequence to receive the most complete information on the subject.

Pathophysiology 1a: Introduction considers the history of medicine, the scientific method, laboratory work, and other introductory aspects of working in the field.

In total, the course covers eight units:

  1. From Bloodletting to Breakthroughs
  2. It Starts with the Cell
  3. Joining the Scientific Community
  4. Welcome to the Laboratory
  5. Data and Discussions
  6. The Telling of Infectious Stories
  7. The Art of Treating Infections
  8. Infectious Disease Prevention and Control

Through these units, learners should have a solid understanding of pathophysiology's main principles and how they relate to medical practice as a whole.

The second course, Pathophysiology 1b: Beyond the Pathogen, seeks to teach students more specific information about various diseases and disorders. In general, the information is presented by body system.

There are eight units in this course:

  1. Normal Physiological Mechanisms
  2. Respiratory Pathology
  3. Cardiovascular Pathology
  4. Endocrine and Metabolic Pathologies
  5. Oncology
  6. The Dynamic Nervous System
  7. Public Health Concerns
  8. Choosing Wellness

With this course, learners explore the pathology of major body systems and look at concepts such as wellness and public health that they’ll need to understand as future health science professionals.

What Is the iCEV Pathophysiology Course?

For pathophysiology, iCEV offers a single course that introduces students to background information relevant to work in health science and STEM careers before providing in-depth content concerning lab work, wellness, and diseases and disorders.

As a comprehensive single course, students learn through 24 distinct lessons:

  1. English Applications
  2. Introduction to Pathophysiology
  3. Professionalism in the Sciences: Pathophysiology
  4. STEM Careers: Pathophysiology
  5. Lab Safety: Pathophysiology
  6. Tools & Equipment in Pathophysiology
  7. Science Explained: Pathophysiology
  8. Impact of Science: Pathophysiology
  9. Conducting Lab & Field Investigations: Pathophysiology
  10. Experimental Design: Pathophysiology
  11. Analyzing Data: Pathophysiology
  12. Developing a Model: Pathophysiology
  13. Communicating Findings in Pathophysiology
  14. Pathophysiology Milestones
  15. Mechanisms of Pathology
  16. Human Disease Factors
  17. Pathogenic Organisms
  18. Human Disease Defense & Prevention
  19. The Disease Process
  20. Human Diseases
  21. Public Health & Wellness
  22. Disease Diagnosis & Treatment
  23. Analyzing Medical & Epidemiological Data
  24. Pathophysiology Capstone

Through each lesson, students gain extensive knowledge essential to work as pathophysiologists. The course covers many of the same topics as eDynamic Learning but as a single CTE class.

What Is the Instructional Focus of eDynamic Learning and iCEV?

While eDynamic Learning and iCEV both offer full courses on Pathophysiology, each provider has its own strengths and areas of emphasis.

In this section, you’ll learn more about the instructional focus of these digital curriculum options.

What Is the Instructional Focus of eDynamic Learning?

eDynamic Learning’s courses provide students with extensive content related to understanding and appreciating pathophysiology in depth.

When used in sequence, these courses first introduce students to essential information related to medical history and the development of health science as a practice before moving to specific pathologies.

The courses are designed to lay the groundwork for pathophysiology first before looking in more detail at specific applications. This focus is intended for instructors who want to take a full year teaching pathophysiology and are willing to save the bulk of body system-specific information for the second half of the year. Otherwise, students will be less likely to learn about specific applications of pathophysiology in fields like respiratory and cardiovascular health.

What Is the Instructional Focus of iCEV?

iCEV’s instructional methodology also focuses on providing an introductory range of knowledge essential to pathophysiology. However, instead of parsing out information related to body systems pathology into a separate course, these lessons are included in a single class.

The iCEV pathology course aims to prepare students for a capstone project through engaging lessons that introduce students to background information, specific applications concerning diseases and disorders, and overall concepts dealing with data analysis and public health and wellness.

The course is designed for teachers who want to embrace a blended learning approach and use multimedia course content along with traditional classroom methodologies.

What Instructional Materials Are Included?

With their pathophysiology courses, eDynamic Learning and iCEV both include an extensive set of instructional resources to help teachers and their students succeed.

In this section, you’ll learn about the differences between what each provider offers to help you decide if one set of materials or the other is a better fit for your classroom.

What Instructional Materials are Included with eDynamic Learning?

With each pathophysiology course, eDynamic Learning provides various written and interactive resources for teachers and students. A practical course syllabus outlines the content for each class in a way that’s easy for instructors to use with their students. Each class has a PDF textbook with graphics and embedded videos that break down complex information into appropriate information for a high school audience.

Within each lesson, students face critical thinking and discussion questions that check their understanding and provide immediate feedback. Students can also listen to lesson and unit summaries in a podcast audio format and interact with peers in discussion forums. At the end of each course, students complete a final cumulative project.

All of the resources integrate into eDynamic Learning’s Buzz player, which allows teachers to track student progress and students to complete coursework and take notes. eDynamic Learning’s courses also integrate with major learning management systems to aid in the grading and reporting process.

What Instructional Materials are Included with iCEV?

iCEV instructional materials are designed for an interactive experience that promotes blended learning. Each lesson includes a variety of components to enhance student learning, including multimedia presentations, pre-made lesson plans, formative and summative assessments, and real-world projects and activities.

Each iCEV lesson includes interactive components, visuals, and videos for students to learn core concepts of pathophysiology in depth. The content is also conveyed through the iCEV platform, which integrates with many learning management systems and single sign-on solutions. 

In addition to the pathophysiology course, educators receive access to the entire iCEV Health Science curriculum to prepare students for success in medical fields comprehensively. Teachers can use the curriculum to provide a cohesive learning experience for students across their entire CTE program.

Which Pathophysiology Curriculum is Right for You?

Choosing the right pathophysiology course for your students can be a challenge. After all, the best fit for your students can be the difference in their success as health science professionals prepared for certification or falling behind their peers.

In this article, you’ve read about the benefits of teaching pathophysiology with eDynamic Learning and iCEV. Depending on the type of class you’d like to teach, one or the other could be the better choice.

If you are looking for two semester-long, standalone courses that comprehensively cover pathophysiology, eDynamic Learning could be a good choice. The courses are interactive and include great content for teaching this important subject.

However, if you’re looking to teach a single class on pathophysiology as part of a comprehensive CTE curriculum in health science, consider iCEV. You’ll be able to cover a dedicated course on pathophysiology that fits seamlessly into iCEV’s cohesive curriculum.

Could iCEV be the right fit for your students? Sign up for a free trial to receive full access to the entire health science curriculum and decide if it suits your program.Start Your Trial