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Health Career Exploration

Health Career ExplorationThis module has been created to introduce students to the many possibilities of having a career in the health care field.

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Explore Activity: Health Care Career Exploration


In this activity, students will make a list of health care careers and determine in which career pathway the career might belong.


Unit: Introduction to Career Exploration


In Introduction to Career Exploration, students will first define passion, purpose, skill and talent. In addition, students will learn some of the advantages and disadvantages for a health care career and will be introduced to the 5 health care career pathways.


  1. Health Care Careers


Unit: Health Care Career Pathways


In Health Care Career Pathways, students will learn more about each of the five health care career pathways along with specific skills needed and educational requirements for each pathway.

In Health Care Career Pathways, students will learn more about each of the five health care career pathways along with specific skills needed and educational requirements for each pathway.


  1. Diagnostic Services
  2. Therapeutic Services
  3. Health Informatics
  4. Support Services
  5. Biotechnology Research and Development


Unit: Health Care Careers


In Health Care Careers, students will focus on one specific career for each pathway. Each career will delve further into specific job duties and educational requirements.


  1. Radiology Technician
  2. Physical Therapist
  3. Medical Illustrator
  4. Biomedical Equipment Technician
  5. Forensic Science Technician
  6. Phlebotomist
  7. Electrocardogram Technician
  8. Pharmacy Technician


Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion


In this activity, students will journal about health care career pathways that interest them and educational requirements for them.


Reinforce Activity: Biotechnology Research and Development


In this activity, students will learn about biotechnology careers.


Reinforce Activity: Diagnostic Services


In this activity, students will learn about diagnostic services careers.


Reinforce Activity: Health Informatics


In this activity, students will learn about health informatics careers.


Reinforce Activity: Support Services


In this activity, students will learn about support services careers.


Reinforce Activity: Therapeutic Services


In this activity, students will learn about therapeutic services careers.


Reinforce Activity: Current Event


Students will review articles for information related to a topic in the module. Once an article is found, students complete a Current Event form.

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