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What Is an iCEV Site License?

September 28th, 2023 | 5 min. read

Joshua Witherspoon

Joshua Witherspoon

After serving as a Texas FFA state officer in 2018, Josh Witherspoon joined the iCEV team as a part-time employee for 3 years before taking on the role of content development specialist in 2022. Witherspoon holds a bachelor's degree in agricultural communications from Texas Tech University, in which his experience and proficiency in writing, marketing and CTE allow him to effectively communicate the successes of CTE educators and students and the value iCEV has to offer.

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If you’re familiar with iCEV as a curriculum provider, you might know that we offer resources for 11 different career and technical education (CTE) subject areas. You might also have heard that iCEV offers a site license and may be wondering if this would be the best value in providing a single solution for your growing CTE program.

But what exactly is an iCEV site license? How does it differ from other iCEV subscriptions, and what are the benefits to teachers and students?

In this article, you’ll discover answers to the most common questions educators ask us when exploring the value of an iCEV site license, including:   

  • What is an iCEV site license? 
  • What are the benefits of a site license? 
  • Is a site license the best choice for my program or school? 

By the end of this article, you’ll have a full understanding of the benefits of site licenses and if this option is the best choice for your students. 

What Is an iCEV Site License?

A site license offers full access to the entire iCEV curriculum catalog. This is in opposition to a subject area license, which only offers access to curriculum for a specific CTE subject area. Depending on how many subject areas you need instructional resources for, a site license therefore could be the best option for your CTE program.

If you’ve decided that the iCEV curriculum would suit your teachers and students, it’s important to consider how much curriculum you need and if a site license would provide the most value for your investment.

Below, you’ll discover more differences between the two main options for pricing with iCEV: subject area licenses and a site license.

Purchase Subject Area Licenses

The first option available is to purchase single subject area licenses. You can subscribe for access to a single CTE subject area starting at $1500 for 25 students. 

By purchasing a single subject area license you’ll gain access to all of the lessons, materials, and platform features for the selected subject area. 

This option is often used when programs are searching for curriculum and resources for an individual classroom or just a couple of pathways within a CTE program.

Purchase a Site License

On the other hand, you can elect to purchase an iCEV site license, which offers site-wide access to all 11 CTE subject areas and curriculum on the iCEV platform.

This option is often used when educators are looking for a district-wide curriculum solution for a variety of CTE programs. Many programs consider upgrading to a site license because it only costs 4 percent more per student than subject-based access.

In addition, educators often elect to use this option as it gives teachers the freedom to pull lessons and materials from a variety of CTE subject areas to create one-of-a-kind learning experiences for students.

What Are the Benefits of a Site License?

Site licenses offer a wide variety of benefits for students, teachers, and administrators alike. From comprehensive curriculum to data reporting, there is much to consider when deciding which pricing option best suits your programs and school.

In this section, you’ll discover more about three of the biggest benefits of an iCEV site license:

  • Flexibility
  • Classroom and district planning
  • Consistency

Many educators have found that these qualities help them provide a cohesive learning experience for students.


For many educators, the single most important characteristic they look for in a curriculum provider is flexibility. In addition to offering a comprehensive CTE curriculum for students, an iCEV site license offers flexibility for educators and administrators in two major ways. 

Often, educators are tasked with teaching multiple CTE subjects which can easily become overwhelming as you try to manage different areas and coursework loads. But when you use a site license, you gain access to all of the materials and grading features for each course or subject area you teach from one flexible platform.

Instead of juggling multiple platforms and accounts, an iCEV site license simplifies the organizational component of teaching multiple preps or CTE subjects

For CTE directors and administrators, the flexibility of a site license allows you to move licenses from teacher to teacher as you add new teachers or they change roles. In addition, when you are interested in expanding your CTE offerings, a site license gives you automatic access to the curriculum you need to support new programs and educators. 

Your school or district is consistently growing and changing. Choosing a site license gives CTE directors and administrators the freedom to easily adjust access to connect teachers and students immediately to the resources they need.

Classroom and District Planning

For CTE educators,  easy access to data and reports on student growth and success is of utmost importance when it comes to accountability and planning for the future.  

When you choose a site license for your CTE programs, you can access the iCEV platform’s advanced data reporting features. These features allow educators and administrators to look at student success on a macro and micro scale: reports can be pulled for individual student growth all the way to district-wide success. 

Access to this type of data and reporting is invaluable in today’s educational landscape as educators and administrators plan everything from individual classroom strategies to district plans like what courses to offer.


While differentiation offers many benefits to classroom learning, consistency also offers value in its own unique way. 

For many students who participate in multiple CTE programs, a significant challenge is learning the “ins and outs” of different platforms and technologies they are expected to use to complete coursework.

But when an iCEV site license is in use across multiple CTE programs, students will already be familiar with how to use iCEV. This cuts down on the time it takes to familiarize your students with the technology used in your CTE classrooms. 

A cohesive curriculum also helps teachers maintain a consistent learning experience over a multi-year program. They’ll be able to track and report student progress over time and can feel confident that they’re preparing students for success on certifications and in their careers.

Is a Site License the Best Choice for My Program?

With so many factors to consider when choosing a curriculum provider for your CTE program, it can quickly become overwhelming to decide what the best option truly is. The key is understanding your program and students’ needs and finding a provider who meets those needs and gives you the most return for your investment. 

If you’re an educator or administrator looking for a comprehensive CTE curriculum solution for multiple programs that is flexible, aids in classroom or district planning, and provides consistency for students and teachers, an iCEV site license is a great choice for your school or district. 

Does an iCEV site license sound like it might be a good fit for your program? Request your personalized quote to get an even better idea of what implementing a site license will look like in your school or district. 

When requesting a quote you can expect to receive just one email or call to discuss your needs and other details that will help us tailor the quote to you. From there we’ll work together to generate a quote that fits your needs.

Request Your Quote