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PhlebotomyThe Phlebotomy curriculum module provides an overview of how to collect blood specimens using venipuncture and fingerstick techniques.

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Phase 1: Explore


Activity: Proper Use and Care of Equipment

In this activity, students explore the proper use and care of equipment used in phlebotomy.


Phase 2: Learn & Practice


Unit 1: Introduction to Phlebotomy

In this unit, students will learn about: phlebotomy as they distinguish between skin puncture and venipuncture, identify safety precautions for handling blood specimens, and learn how to greet a patient, explain a procedure, and engage in personal conversation during a phlebotomy procedure. 

  1. Introduction 
  2. Communication 
  3. Quiz


Unit 2: Skin Puncture: Microhematocrit and Hemoglobin

In this unit, students will learn about: skin puncture including common locations for them, using a lancet, definitions of hematocrit and microhematocrit, and the layers of blood that form when a blood specimen is spun in a centrifuge. They learn normal percentages of red blood and hemoglobin found in men, women, children, and infants, and determine the hemoglobin of a blood specimen by using a hemoglobin analyzer. 

  1. Skin Punctures 
  2. Microhematocrit 
  3. Hemoglobin 
  4. Quiz


Unit 3: Skin Puncture: Blood Glucose and PKU Test

In this unit, students will learn about: the effects of diabetes mellitus and PKU, as they learn about three types of blood glucose tests, how to measure the glucose level of a blood specimen, discover the dangers of untreated PKU, and learn how to collect blood for a PKU test. 

  1. Blood Glucose 
  2. PKU Test 
  3. Quiz


Unit 4: Venipuncture

In this unit, students will learn about: venipuncture including the three methods and common sites for venipuncture and types of tests that can be performed with venipuncture blood.

They learn about equipment including tourniquets, needles, collection tubes, adapters, and types of additives. They explain the need for order of draw and list the standard order of draw. They discover the convenience of and steps for performing the vacuum tube method and learn how to choose a vein for drawing blood.

Students list ways to prevent hematomas and hemolysis, explain what to do if arterial blood is drawn, identify techniques for handling no blood flow or stopped blood flow, and learn to use communication and observation skills. 

  1. Venipuncture 
  2. Equipment for Venipuncture 
  3. Order of Draw 
  4. Vacuum Tube Blood Collection 
  5. Troubleshooting 
  6. Quiz


Unit 5: Draw in Order Game

In this simulation game, students will practice the phlebotomy order of draw.


Phase 3: Reflect


Activity: Reflection Questions and Discussion

In this activity, students will journal about avoiding bloodborne pathogens, communicating with a patients and responding to incidents during procedures. A class discussion on these topics can follow.


Phase 4: Reinforce


Project: Blood-Typing

In this project, students work individually to determine their blood types using the ABO and Rh systems. Then they create a pie graph to show the percentages of students in the class with each blood type.


Activity: Patient Care Scenarios

In this activity, students practice procedures learned in the module using various scenarios -- sometimes in less-than-ideal circumstances.


Activity: Current Event

Students will review articles for information related to a topic in the module. Once an article is found, students complete a Current Event form.

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