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Career and Technical Education (CTE)

eDynamic Learning vs. iCEV: Which is the Best Comprehensive CTE Curriculum Solution?

May 18th, 2023 | 11 min. read

Joshua Witherspoon

Joshua Witherspoon

After serving as a Texas FFA state officer in 2018, Josh Witherspoon joined the iCEV team as a part-time employee for 3 years before taking on the role of content development specialist in 2022. Witherspoon holds a bachelor's degree in agricultural communications from Texas Tech University, in which his experience and proficiency in writing, marketing and CTE allow him to effectively communicate the successes of CTE educators and students and the value iCEV has to offer.

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If you’re a high school administrator, you’re probably looking for a curriculum provider who offers curriculum and resources for a variety of Career and Technical Education (CTE) subject areas. However, with so many options out there to choose from and so many factors to consider, it can quickly become an overwhelming decision. 

As a dedicated provider of CTE curriculum and resources, we’re often asked how eDynamic Learning and iCEV compare as comprehensive CTE curriculum solutions. While both offer high-quality educational materials for a wide range of subject areas, one may fit your students and classroom needs better than the other.  

So how do eDynamic Learning and iCEV line up? What subject areas do they offer, and which would be the best fit for your CTE programs? Don’t worry we did the heavy lifting for you! 

In this article, you’ll explore the differences between these two curriculum providers. Along the way, we’ll answer questions like:  

  • What Subjects Do eDynamic Learning and iCEV Offer Curriculum for?
  • What Is the Instructional Format of eDynamic Learning and iCEV Courses?
  • Who Is the Intended Audience of eDynamic Learning and iCEV Curriculum? 
  • How Much Do eDynamic Learning and iCEV Cost? 

After reading this article, you’ll better understand what each provider offers as well as what it might look like to implement one of these options in your CTE programs. 

What Subjects Do eDynamic Learning and iCEV Offer Curriculum for?

Knowing the subject areas that a curriculum provider covers is a great place to start to find the best comprehensive CTE curriculum solution. Whether you’re looking for curriculum for one or multiple courses, learning the subject areas offered can help you decide whether it’s the right choice for you. 

Subjects Offered By eDynamic Learning 

eDynamic Learning (eDL) is an online career and elective course curriculum provider whose mission is to offer educational content that helps students discover their passions.  

eDL produces CTE curriculum for subject areas including: 

  • Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
  • Business Management & Administration
  • Education & Training
  • Finance
  • Government & Public Administration
  • Health Sciences
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing, Sales and Services
  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Math 

Courses within each of these subject areas are designed to meet state and industry standards and are flexible so teachers can personalize them to meet student’s unique needs.  

Subjects Offered By iCEV 

iCEV is an online curriculum platform that provides standards-aligned, comprehensive CTE curriculum and instructional materials for K-12.  

iCEV offers curriculum for 11 unique subject areas including:   

  • Agricultural Science 
  • Architecture, Construction & Manufacturing 
  • Business, Marketing, Finance, IT & Media
  • Career Exploration 
  • Cosmetology & Barbering 
  • Family & Consumer Science 
  • Health Science 
  • Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security 
  • Middle School Digital Literacy & Career Exploration
  • Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  • Transportation: Automotive, Diesel & Small Engines  

In addition, iCEV hosts 16 industry certifications on its testing platform, as well as optional preparation materials to enhance students’ resumes and validate their knowledge.    

What Is the Instructional Format of eDynamic Learning and iCEV Courses?

The instructional format of a curriculum provider’s courses is a significant factor you must weigh into your decision. Instructional format directly impacts how teachers within your CTE programs engage students in their learning. In this section, you’ll explore the instructional formatting difference between eDL and iCEV to better understand how these providers might operate in your CTE classrooms.  

Instructional Format of eDynamic Learning Courses 

eDL’s digital curriculum provides a strong foundation of content for teaching and learning with a wide variety of materials to differentiate how students engage with content. 

Every eDL course is composed of: 

  • A unit introduction 
  • 3-8 Lessons 
  • Critical Thinking Questions for each lesson 
  • 1-4 Activities
  • Flashcards - printable
  • Unit Quizzes & Exams 

eDL’s platform also includes a comprehensive gradebook that provides teachers and administrators access to grades and other valuable data. A variety of reports can also be accessed to assist teachers and curriculum leaders with data-driven decisions.

Instructional Format of iCEV Courses 

As a comprehensive curriculum solution, iCEV’s courses provide both structure and flexibility for teachers and students during the learning process. In every iCEV course, you’ll find up-to-date information and resources aligned to state and national standards. These resources are delivered in a way that keeps students engaged and teachers well-equipped to meet students needs. 

Materials you’ll find within iCEV’s courses include: 

  • Lesson plans that provide step-by-step guidance for instructors
  • Media-rich presentations and video 
  • Projects and activities designed to increase information retention
  • Formative to assess student understanding throughout a unit
  • Summative assessments to assess student understanding at the end of a unit  

iCEV’s flexible, ready-to-teach CTE courses can easily be customized to fit the needs of any learning environment including in-person, virtual and blended classrooms.

The iCEV platform also offers Learning Management System (LMS) integrations with Google Classroom, Schoology, Canvas, Blackboard and more. 

Who Is the Intended Audience of eDynamic Learning and iCEV? 

Understanding the intended audience of these curriculum providers is an important step in your search for the best comprehensive CTE solution for your programs. Every curriculum is unique in its design and purpose. The goal for you is to find the curriculum that meets your students’, teachers’ and programs’ needs. 

Intended Audience of eDynamic Learning Curriculum 

eDL’s career and elective courses are designed for grades 7-12.  

If you’re looking for an extensive supplemental curriculum to incorporate alongside other curricula, eDL may be a good choice. While their courses are more segmented and must be purchased separately, the courses themselves are full of engaging, easily-implemented materials. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for course curriculums for multiple subject areas, eDL may not be the best or most cost-effective choice, as each of their courses must be purchased individually and cannot be bundled. 

Intended Audience of iCEV Curriculum 

iCEV’s CTE curriculum is designed for grades 6-12

If you’re looking for access to a wide variety of subject areas and standards-aligned course curriculums under one single subscription, iCEV may be a good choice for your CTE programs. 

Regardless of whether you’re looking for a curriculum for a single course or an entire high school program, an iCEV subscription gains you access to every course and resource within your chosen subject area.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a supplemental resource and don’t have the need for a more robust curriculum or the added features that come with iCEV, this may not be the best choice for your students.

How Much Do eDynamic Learning and iCEV Cost? 

Cost is a substantial factor you must weigh into your decision-making when choosing the best CTE curriculum solution for your CTE programs.. In this section, you’ll explore the different pricing options for both curriculum providers and what factors influence their costs.  

Cost of eDynamic Learning 

eDL doesn’t provide pricing information for their courses on their site, so you’ll need to contact a sales representative if you want more information.

However, eDL prices its curriculum on a per-course basis, meaning you only pay for the specific courses you need. You’ll need to ensure that each course's content meets all your standards before committing to a particular set of classes.

Cost of iCEV   

The cost of an iCEV subscription starts at $1,500 per year and depends on a few factors including which subject area you teach and the number of students who will need access. You can also purchase certification vouchers for $40 per individual.

Visit the iCEV pricing page to learn more about the available options and request your quote.

Which is the Best Comprehensive CTE Solution for Your Students?

With all of the curriculum providers out there, choosing the best comprehensive CTE curriculum solution can quickly become an overwhelming task. However, as a decision-maker within your district, making the right curriculum choice offers your students the opportunity to learn and explore the world around them while gaining valuable knowledge and skills for the future. 

If you’re looking for a supplemental curriculum to incorporate alongside curriculum teachers are already implementing, eDL may be a good choice for your students. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for access to a wide variety of subject areas and standards-aligned course curriculum under one single subscription, iCEV may be the better choice for your CTE programs.  

Does iCEV’s comprehensive CTE solution sound like it might be a good fit for your program? Explore iCEV’s 11 subject areas to see whether iCEV would suit your CTE program!

Explore the iCEV Curriculum Solutions