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iCEV Testing Platform Guide


Adding a Certification to your "My Courses" Page


Step 1: Add New Course/Certification

At the top right of the My Courses page:

  • Click the Add New Course/Certification button.


Step 2: Select Certification

  • Click the Certification Playlist tab on the right side of the menu.
  • Next, select the certification you would like to add. Once selected, the certification button will turn green.

Note: If you do not complete this step first, the system will not allow you to select a certification.

If you are subscribed to more than one iCEV curriculum site, you can choose which subject area you would like to add certifications from by using the drop-down menu labeled Course Subject underneath the blue header area.


Step 3: Name the Certification

  • Type the title of the certification in the Course Title text box.
  • What is typed in this box is what the certification will be listed as in your My Courses page.

Note: You do not have to type the full certification title. If you prefer, you can use a shortened version of the certification title or you can title it something like, "3rd Period."


Step 4: Add Course

Once you have typed your preferred title of the certification, scroll to the top of the screen:

  • Click the Add Course button.
  • The certification will then appear under Courses Added.  
  • Click Finished

Note: If you would like to add multiple certifications at once, repeat Steps 2 and 3 before clicking Finished.



Certification Pre-Tests


What is Pre-Testing?

Teachers have the option to enable a pre-test before the students can access the certification curriculum. This pre-test is meant to assess individual student’s current knowledge and to allow for additional reporting options such as student or class growth. The growth report will never go below zero nor will it display negative numbers.

Once enabled, pre-testing cannot be turned off

If pre-testing was accidentally turned on; it cannot be turned off. The teacher will have to create a new certification playlist course and make certain not to enable pre-testing.

New students

If a student joins you and pre-testing is enabled; the student must complete the pre-test assessment before they will be allowed to access the rest of the certification curriculum.


Enabling Pre-Tests

Underneath Settings - on the right hand side of the screen:

  • Click Enable Pre-Tests button
  • Wait for the popup window to appear
  • Check "Yes, enable pre-tests for this certification course"
  • Click the Enable button
  • You'll see a message: "Pre-tests have been successfully enabled." 

If at any point you want to cancel the process, there are multiple ways to do this: 

  1. Click in the shaded area
  2. Use the escape (ESC) key on your keyboard
  3. Click the red X   

Once Pre-Tests are enabled, you'll see the status underneath Settings with the date that they were enabled. 


Industry Certification Reports

With pre-testing enabled there will be additional information available through the Industry Certification Reports area. Teacher’s will now be able to see:

  • Pre-Test scoring information
  • Certification scoring information (if the certification exam has been completed)
  • Growth (the difference between the Certification and Pre-Test scoring information)
    • The lowest value showed on the Growth Report is zero (0)



Using iCEV Study Materials


iCEV offers curriculum that can be used comprehensively or supplementally as preparation materials for certification exam success. This is the purpose of the certification playlist you’ve added.

Step 1: View Certification

  • Click the View button to the right side of the certification playlist you would like to customize.


Step 2: Select Lessons

You will be redirected to the Lessons page.

  • On this page, you will see the name of each lesson associated with this certification. To the right of each lesson name is a Required for Cert? box.
  • Each lesson with a checked Required for Cert? box will require the individual to take an assessment prior to taking the certification exam.
  • All of the lessons are automatically selected and will be required unless the Required for Cert? box is unchecked. 

Note: If you uncheck the Required for Cert? for a lesson, it will still be tested on the certification exam.


Step 3: Review Certification Strategies for Success

This lesson provides instructors and students with tips and advice for preparing and studying for the certification exam.




Proctoring a Certification Exam


Step 1: Select Certification

From the My Courses page:

  • Both the proctor and student
    • Should click the View button next to the certification the student will be attempting.


Step 2: Manage Proctors

Teacher View - Proctor the Exam

    • Scroll to the bottom of the Lessons page
    • Under the Proctors menu
      • Click Manage Proctors.


Student View - Confirm Identity

Once a student is ready to take a certification exam:

    • Locate the Final Assessment at the bottom of the Lessons page
    • The student must confirm their identity by checking the box and clicking on the green Check In button.
    • The message “Waiting on Proctor to start the exam” will appear.

More information about Proctoring Guidelines can be found here


Step 3: Checking In

Status - Not Checked-In

If a student is ready to take a certification exam; but hasn’t checked in; this message will be shown:
This student has not checked in.

Please have the student check in. Once the student has checked-in their status will change to “Ready”.


Status - Ready

If “Ready” is the status message; this means that the student has completed all of the required courses and the student has checked in.


Status - Select which type of voucher to use

If “Ready” is the status message; this means that the student has completed all of the required courses and the student has checked in.


Digital Vouchers

    • Select Digital Voucher from the dropdown menu
    • Check Approved checkbox
    • Click the Begin Exam  button


Voucher Code

    • Select Voucher Code from the dropdown menu
    • Enter the voucher code into the textbox
    • Check Approved checkbox
    • Click the Begin Exam button

Students will be sent to the Purchase Certification screen if the voucher code:

    • Has been previously used
    • Was entered incorrectly by the Proctor

From the Purchase Certification screen the voucher code can be entered again, or a different voucher code can be used. Entering the voucher code again must occur at the student’s computer.


Student Entry

This should only be used if a student has purchased a voucher code from a campus bookstore or has decided to purchase a certification attempt through a credit card. This option will require the voucher code to be entered at the student’s computer.

    • Select Digital Voucher from the dropdown menu
    • Check Approved checkbox
    • Click Begin Exam button


Step 4: Monitoring Progress

A proctor can monitor a student's progress as they take a certification exam. Below, are the different types of statuses a proctor can see: 

Status - In-Progress

If a student is working through the certification exam; this message will be shown:
In-Progress (Working on # out of #)


Status - Passed

If a student has submitted their work and they passed; this message will be shown:
Passed – Score: #%” along with a Print Certificate button


Status - Failed

If a student has submitted their work and they did not pass; this message will be shown:
Failed – Score: #% (Unanswered Questions: # out of #)


Step 5: Resetting



If this scenario occurs, the proctor must reset the session before the student checks in to take the certification exam. If the student checks in before the proctor resets, a digital voucher or voucher code will be used.


How to use the reset button

Proctors can reset a student’s attempt three times, per student, per certification. 

This reset is meant to prevent using a digital voucher or voucher code when the:

  • Computer/Device loses:
    • Power
    • Network or internet connectivity
  • Student:
    • Closes the browser or browser tab
    • Navigates to a different website

Note: The Reset button will only appear if the student hasn’t submitted their attempt and there are more than twenty-nine (29) unanswered questions when a described scenario occurs.

It may take the proctor screen up to ninety (90) seconds to recognize the issue and show the Reset button. 

  • Please be patient and use the green Refresh button to update the screen.
  • The Reset button will appear when it does click it.
    • After the Reset button is used the student’s status will change back to “Ready”.
  • The student would then check in like normal and within a few seconds be able to click the Next button on their screen.



Digital Voucher vs. Voucher Code


Digital Voucher

This is a digital version of the manual voucher code. When selected the learner will be sent directly into certification exam.

Please do the following:

  1. Select Digital Voucher (should be selected by default)
  2. Click the Approved checkbox
  3. Click Begin Exam


Voucher Code

This is a manual code that must be entered. In the past teachers would have to give out the code and have the learner enter it or the teacher would go to the learner and enter it for them. Now the code can be entered from the Proctor Exams screen.

Please do the following:

  1. Select Voucher Code
  2. Type in the Voucher code in the provided text box
  3. Click the Approved checkbox
  4. Click Begin Exam


Student Entry

 When this option is selected the student will be sent to a manual voucher code or credit card screen. The learner would then provide the necessary information. After submitting the necessary information, they would be sent to the final certification exam.


The learner was set for manual voucher; but when the learner entered to take the final certification exam they were brought to a Select Method of Payment screen.

This happens for two reasons:

  1. The manual voucher code that was entered was invalid
  2. The manual voucher code had been used previously



Viewing Student Certification Reports


Step 1: Go to Reports

On your My Courses page:

  • Click Student Certification Reports on the bottom of your course list.


Step 2: View Reports

You will now see a report screen for each certification any of your students have attempted. For each certification the following reports will be generated:

  • Certified- total number of students who have earned the certification. 
  • Attempts- total number of the certification exam attempts.
  • Passing- percent passing rate for the certification exam.
  • AVG Time- average time spent on the certification exam.
  • AVG Grade- average certification exam grade.
  • Errors- number of technical errors that occurred during certification exams (such as internet connection failure).
  • Industry Standard Reports- class average of correct answers for each industry standard.
  • Certification Summary Report- status of each student who has registered for a certification. If the certification was customized to require students to complete lessons before attempting the certification exam, the status of each attempted lesson assessment can be viewed.

Note: Reports with an eye icon in the top right corner can be clicked on to view individualized student reports.


Step 3: View Certification Summary Report

  • Click the Certification Summary Report icon.
  • A new tab will open with the Student Certification Summary page.
  • Select the Certification Report you would like to view from the drop-down menu.
  • Once selected, click View Report.
  • A report will be generated for each student.


Step 4: View Assessment Attempts

  • If the student was required to complete lessons before attempting the certification exam, you can view the status of each student’s progress and lesson assessment scores by clicking the ratio (#/#) to the right of the student’s name. A new tab will open with the students’ scores on each lesson assessment.
  • If you would like to view the students’ progress for a different certification, select a different certification from the Certification drop-down menu.


Student Certification Reporting


This feature will allow you to select which students will appear in the Student Certification Report.


Show Current Students

  • Shows students that are currently in the iCEV roster
  • This option is selected by default

Show Previous  Students

  • Shows any students that are not currently in the iCEV roster
  • This only applies to Certification Courses that have been used repeatedly without deletion

Show All Students

  • All current and previous students will be shown



Student Certification Reporting - Industry Standards Report


See how the students scored compared to the class average and compared to each other. 

  • Click Industry Standard Reports
  • Click the Report Type dropdown 
  • Select Student


Report Types

There are two different report types:

  • Student
    • Shows the individual student’s performance in the different certification standard areas with the overall class average also being displayed
  • Class
    • This is the original report which shows the overall class performance


Score Modes

There are two modes: 

  • Percentage
    • This is the default mode that is presented. It shows the overall percentage performance of the student in the different certification standard areas. 
  • Points
    • This mode must be selected for it to be presented. It shows the overall points performance of the student in the different certification standard areas.

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